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WolfWays On-site Wolf Education Programs

Youth Programs
WolfWays brings its wolf education presentations, grades pre-k through 12, to schools, scouts, libraries, community centers, and any group interested in learning about wolves. To date, we have shared the stories of wolves with over 10,000 school students!

We service the Olympic Peninsula and Jefferson County in Washington. We provide our programs for free! If you do not live within our service region, please check our Remote Programs page for alternative options.   
Engaging Multimedia Presentations! 
Video and audio clips -- replica wolf skull and track  -- life-size wolf and coyote cut-outs -- life-size cloth bull elk, plus lots of images and wolf stories from the field. 
WolfWays is designed to help meet Life Science Curricular Goals 
Teachers have also used our programs to enhance their language arts curriculum. We work with teachers to meet their interests and needs. 
Most presentations are 60-90 minutes in length.  

Program topics:    
Fact vs. FictionWolf Family Life, Communication,  Physical and Social Adaptations, The Role of

in the Ecosystem, North American Wolf History, Wolf Conservation, Local Wolf Populations

It's a Pup's Life! Pre-K and 1st grade presentations follow the first year of a pup's life.

Pre- and post-program materials are provided.       

Curricular Goals:  Wolves are a high-interest subject
that enhance many curricular goals including
Adaptations, Habitat, Food Webs, Life Cycles,
Social Behaviors, Ecosystems, Keystone Species,
Conservation, Conflict Resolution and more.


How Do I Schedule a Presentation?  Send your email inquiry to or use the Contact  Us  form  

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 Washougal 3rd graders compare the sizes of elk and wolf.

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Sponsor Programs - Both on-site and remote programs are also available through our sponsor, Wolf Haven International.


TreeSong Nature Awareness Center, Washougal, WA. Photo by Michele Fox.

Adult Wolf Education Programs


Wolves are as fascinating to adults as they are to kids. They are a legendary, controversial, and important native species to study and understand.

Our adult programs are tailored to meet the interests and needs of the group. This is a unique opportunity to get a glimpse into the world of wolves.

Topics may include:

--  Wolf biology, including the physical characteristics of wolves

--  The social wolf--wolf pack (family) dynamics, including stories
wolves in the wild, taken from the observations of wolf 
     biologists in the field

--  The role of the wolf in the ecosystem

--  The wolves of Oregon and Washington -population and

--  Successes and challenges of wolf recovery, including the
     state and federal 
plans that define and regulate their
     conservation and management 

Adult programs range from one to two hours in length.  

Invite us to your club, special interest group, community center.  

Pre-k howlers. St. Johns Community Center Preschool.

 On-site Programs                     Remote Programs                     Program Reviews  

Community Events

Community event educational tabling

Tabling gives WolfWays a fun opportunity to educate the public
about wolves and conservation efforts.
Our booth includes fun activities for kids, art projects, and materials 
for adults to learn about the wolves who live in their state. 
Our educational tables have taken us to the Portland Zoo's Education
Center and to events including the Tualatin River Festival, Clean Water
Children's Festival, Speak for Wolves, and the Willamette River Festival.​

Interested in including a WolfWays educational table at your community event? 
Interested in volunteering at our educational tables? Please contact us with your interest.
In addition to giving wolf presentations, WolfWays loves bringing its education to a variety of community events 
 Trophic cascade game with volunteer Julia Haskin.
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Tualatin River Festival. 

A "wild one" at Treesong Nature Center's  RUN WILD! event.
Learning the story of Journey (OR7) with Jayme
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